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About the Website

There are a lot of women that have made a difference or done something inspiring, but how many do you actually know of? This is why I decied to make this website, to recognize women for their achievements and create a central place for girls like me to read about their stories. By reading these examples of female trailblazers, I believe that girls of my generation will be inspired and motivated to be bold and take initiative and believe that they can be anything and do anything they set their mind to.

This idea originally came from with a project in which I had to make a website for a National History contest, and my friends and I researched different women for this project. Upon hearing about my project, other friends loved the idea. After the project, I realized that I wanted to make this concept available to all girls and to recognize the great achievements from females in California. I'd like to start off highlighting females in California first, just to make it relatable.

A long time ago, females were seen as housewives and males were the ones working and succeeding in many fields. Women were sometimes married off by parents, states at home to care for children, and cooked for their families/cleaned the house. Even in war, women stayed back while men fought. After, women started to make a difference and started doing the stuff men would normally do. Women came out as leaders, and they started to make history even though not everyone knew about it which made some women hesitant to step out in their own fields. There are women trailblazers but they weren’t recognized and shown as leaders. Even today, I don’t realize there are lots of females who are successful in fields like medicine, politics, technology, etc. because it isn’t obvious where there are female leaders. This website highlights key women who have made a small or big impact in their own way so that people can learn and be encouraged by them. So excited to share all their successes.