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About Me

Sienna Schneider

Cadette, Girl Scout Troop 415

Hello, my name is Sienna Schneider. I am a Middle School Cadette as part of Girl Scout Troop 415 (Girl Scouts of Greater Los Angeles) with my troop leader Deidre Welborn who I am very grateful for. I am currently working on earning my Silver Award. I have been a Girl Scout for almost 10 years and aspire to one day be a National Delegate. Along with Girl Scouts, I participate in many sports.

I am a Junior Lifeguard, a golfer, a swimmer, a runner, etc. and have gotten medals in all of these sports. I am a dog lover with my own Australian Shephard at home. I love music and I am leader, Vice President of Student Council at school & competed in Mock Trial for 2 years now. It has taught me memorization skills as well as public speaking skills that I put to use in my everyday life.

I believe in giving back to the Community and have gotten my AmeriCorps Presidential Volunteer Service Award for three years in a row now.

In my free time I stretch, play golf, listen to music, and hang out with my friends. One of my hobbies is traveling, having visited Spain and the Philippines. My dream is to travel to Germany.